Technologies > Native Apps

Unlocking Seamless Performance and User Experience

Native iOS. Awesome people focused design.

Native iOS apps are known for their performance, smooth user experience, and deep integration with the iOS ecosystem for high responsiveness and seamless operation within the iOS environment.

Swift and Objective-C

"Swift is Apple’s preferred language, offering safety, speed, and readability, while Objective-C still supports legacy apps and is fully compatible with Swift."

Xcode IDE

"Xcode provides a comprehensive development environment with tools for coding, debugging, and testing, along with simulators and performance analysis."

Cocoa Touch Framework

"Cocoa Touch includes frameworks like UIKit and Core Data, simplifying app development with standard iOS features and behaviours."

Access to Device Capabilities

"Native development enables full access to iOS hardware, including cameras, GPS, and Apple services, ensuring feature-rich, responsive apps."

Android apps

Native Android. Powerful, flexible development

Android native development uses Kotlin and Java to build high-performance apps optimized for the platform, offering a rich user experience and deep integration with Android’s myriad hardware and services.

Kotlin and Java

Kotlin has become the preferred language for Android development due to its modern features, safety, and seamless interoperability with Java. Java, the original Android language, remains popular for its stability and vast library support. Both languages allow developers to build high-performance, reliable applications that fully leverage the Android platform.

Android Studio and SDK

Android Studio is the official development environment, offering powerful coding, debugging, and testing tools. It integrates features like a visual layout editor and emulators, along with the Android SDK, which provides APIs and libraries for accessing core Android features like sensors, cameras, and location services, ensuring rich app development.

Fragmentation and Performance Optimization

Native Android development addresses device fragmentation with responsive design tools and support libraries in Android Studio, ensuring smooth performance across various devices. Native apps are optimized for high performance, with tools like Android Profiler fine-tuning CPU, memory, and battery usage for seamless functionality, even on lower-end devices.